I'm not here with a recipe, per se, just an idea I wanted to share in case you find yourself with a bunch of rainbow chard you don't know what to do with.
Like me!
Today was CSA farm pick up day. Our best yet!
We got carrots, summer squash, a cucumber, wax beans, 2 heads of lettuce, scallions, basil, cilantro and and a pound of rainbow chard!
It's the chard that's throwing me for a loop. I never know what to do with this stuff! Normally I make Whole Wheat Pasta with Rainbow Chard and White Beans but honestly, I'm sick of it. Tonight I decided to do something different. It was a good day to experiment. The boys were eating leftover pasta so I had no one to please but me. 🙂
I'll share what I used but the idea behind this idea is to use whatever you have on hand. Hence the "kitchen sink" post title. I happened to have..
- 1 lb Rainbow Chard
- Leftover slice of bacon
- 2 scallions
- Garlic
- Leftover pork chop
- Splash of apple cider vinegar
- Kosher Salt
I separated the large leaves of the chard from stems.
Then I chopped the stems and smaller leaves and sautéed with the other ingredients.
Fill the leaves and wrap!
You really could use anything, leftover chicken, beans, whatever you have hand. Go with your instinct and have fun. That's what cooking's all about!
P.S. This isn't meant to be a traditional "recipe" so I'm not providing any nutritional information. This one is all about inspiring. 🙂
📖 Recipe
Kitchen Sink Rainbow Chard Wrap Idea
- 1 lb Rainbow Chard
- Leftover slice of bacon
- 2 scallions
- Garlic
- Leftover pork chop
- Splash of apple cider vinegar
- Kosher Salt
- I separated the large leaves of the chard from stems.1 lb Rainbow Chard, Leftover slice of bacon
- Then I chopped the stems and smaller leaves and sautéed with the other ingredients.2 scallions, Garlic, Leftover pork chop, Splash of apple cider vinegar, Kosher Salt
- Fill the leaves and wrap!
Great picture. Cute boy with flower.
love cooking
For wraps, I always like to add some ground peanut and fish sauce. It tastes nice. 🙂
Amy @ A Little Nosh
Is the chard bitter at all? I've never had it raw, though I LOVE it in soup. It gets so tender and yummy.
Idea for the Rainbow Chard: Chard Tortilla. Not a mexican "tortilla", but a chilean "tortilla". We call the same name to two very different things.
Don't know the exact english name for our tortilla, but think frittata meets omelette (or something like that).
Stir fry the chopped chard (hard "veins" first, green leaves later) with onions and whatever you like (garlic, ground beef, basil, crocodile meat, anything). Even soylent green would do. Let rest to room tempereature.
Then beat a nice amount of whole eggs, mix with the chard. Cook it in a pan like you'll do a omelette, but put a lid on it. When it's cooked down under, but not burned yet, flip it with a plate just like a omelette and cook the other half.
For some reason, the hot tortilla with the bitter chard goes extremely well with fresh lemon juice squeezed right from the lemon.