- Peanut Butter and Jelly on Whole Grain Gold Fish Bread (he "doesn't like sandwiches" maybe this would help??)
- Mini sweet peppers
- cut up cantaloupe
- Gushers (ugh. His "Treat")
- Water
What Came Home?

The bread worked!
Updated: by greenlitebitescom · This post may contain affiliate links · 12 Comments
The bread worked!
That was hi pre-school. The public school allows it.
I thought that Ryan couldn't have peanut butter in school? Did you use one of the alternatives? I work in a day care center that is also peanut free and we have a "school safe peanut butter alternative" which I have never tried. It sounds scary to me. lol
Goldfish bread now that is a cool idea. They make some great organic all natural fruit snacks with no dyes (yeah!). Annies is a good brand. Making your own fruit leather is a good idea I will have to try that. I guess I am lucky because my kids have never been allowed anything with food dyes so they never ask and don't feel deprived. They get enough of it from friends houses! They would much rather have homemade pretzels or power balls.
I love the new lunch posts! Veyr fun/helpful! I especially love the "after" picture. Thanks for sharing!!
Hmmm what browser are you on?
When I click on the link about your strategy, I get the page momentarily and then it flashes and says it doesn't exist...weird!!!
I love that you get to see what he doesn't eat. When my kids were that age - they had to "dump" the remains because the classrooms had ant problems!
Lyn @ Life Lyn Style
did you make the fish bread?
I use the Planet Box for my daughter, and I love the built-in portion size. BTW, I just made home-made fruit rollups! I know there's still sugar in them, but they'd be a better alternative to the Gushers because at least you can use real fruit and there's only 3 ingredients. I just made raspberry ones today!
I love how he left the tail. So funny. I think that lunch combo was a winner for Ryan!
p.s. I love those mini sweet peppers. SO good!
I'm good but not THAT good! lol Here's a link....
Pepperidge Farm Soft Whole Wheat Goldfish Shaped Sandwich Bread Pack of 2