That's me in my kitchen, the place I'm happiest when not traveling. I enjoy cooking, sharing ideas, and inspiring people to try new things and reach their goals. GreenLiteBites is the place I get to do all of those things.
The GreenLiteBite's Family
When I started blogging, it was just me, The Husband, and "The Baby." Well, that baby is now a teenager, and I had another, "Little Bean," who is growing up way too fast for me.
I often include their opinions in recipes to help you decide if your family will enjoy it as well. When I do, I refer to them I do so by their age as I think it says a lot when a 5-year-old likes something versus an 11-year-old.
Currently, they are the 9-Year-Old and the 15-Year-Old.
As for The Husband, well, he's been my biggest challenge in the food department for as long as I can remember. When we started dating (IN THE 90'S!), I'm pretty sure the only vegetable he ate was corn, and most, if not all, of his meals, came out of a box in the freezer section or a drive-thru. I've worn him down over the years, and now he's pretty much game for anything, and we enjoy cooking together.
That's right. HE COOKS NOW!
I would have never thought it possible, yet there he is.