This weeks video is a bit all over the place. During our crazy fruit adventure we end up trying an Asian Pear and Kiwi Berries. Both VERY good!
We really are a fruit family. Nothing beats exposing toddlers to a variety of fresh fruit. Start young! Click here to see our fruit picnic video.
Oh! and I'd like to thank Carrie for the edible arrangement. It really was AWESOME!
I almost forgot! If you want more information on the Fruit Guys click here!
Why yes.. yes it is. 🙂 I have a few actually.
Hey Roni! I am certainly going to be trying the kiwi berries next time I see them and wierd question, is that a tattoo on your right b@@b??! I'm sorry, I just couldn't help but ask LOL!
Thanks Kristina! and feel free! THIS is why I do what I do. 🙂
Thanks! WEll you are great and your interaction with your son and food is how I strive to be with my own daughter and children in therapy...sometimes parents of these kids need the visual and can't always be present for each feeding session so that is where these great video posts of yours come in!
p.s. big fan of fruit kebabs here! have had many a feeding therapy session involving fruit or other kebabs..(kabob?) so fun!
Oh my goodness, this video is great!!! Do you mind if i re-post it on my feeding blog 'picky tots' soon? I have tried to encourage parents to watch (with their child) some of the videos of you and Ryan cooking together just for ideas on how they can include their kids in preparing food and getting good fun positive exposure to foods which are typically pretty frightening for these this is perfect. perfect youre a star mom in the feeding therapist's perspective 🙂
I would love to try those kiwi berries! I just wish you could order individual things from the fruit guys! =\ My birthday is coming up so maybe one of my friends will send me some fruit lol =P
The Edible Arrangement looks yummy! I want to send one to myself!! 🙂
Krista S.
I just saw kiwi berries a few days ago at the grocery store! I picked them up, looked at them, and set them back down because I didn't really know what the heck they were. Now I have to go back and grab them because wow, they sound yummy! I love Asian pears, too...and you are right about them sometimes being labeled apple-pears. I always see those edible fruit arrangement commercials and my family always wants to eat the choc. strawberries. Good to know they really are delicious and arrive in great shape! Congrats again on the marathon!
That looks like a lot of fruit. Hope you get to use it all. I think I've seen brown asian pears before. Will give them a try.
I think I would be happier to receive an edible arrangement rather than real flowers. I think edible arrangements is the perfect gift for bloggers. You really have a big stash of fruits at your house right now.
All of that looks so good! Ryan is a riot. lol Thanks for the vids!