Little Man and I had tons of fun trying Kiwi's yesterday. It's been awhile since publishing a Produce Pick but as I say in the video my intent is to inspire you to try something new!

I tend to gravitate towards the same things over and over again, especially in the produce aisle because it's safe and honestly, easy. But all it takes is a few extra minutes to look around and discover something new and exciting. If you have kids let them pick something out. Don't worry if you don't know how to eat it or cut it, that's why they made the internet. 😉 Simply come home and look it up! It's seriously a fun way to introduce new healthy foods into your diet! Not to mention, if you have kids.. a great way to get them excited to try new things as well.
As for the kiwi I really didn't know the best way to cut or eat one since it isn't one of my go to fruits so I asked my twitter friends for advice. Scroll below to the video to see all the wonderful responses. I love how everyone eats their kiwis differently. It goes to show, there is no "right" way. Click here to see more of our produce picks.
My question on twitter...
OK, who eats the skin on Kiwis? Going to try them with the 5 year old today. Wondering what the best way to cut them is. Any insights?
Click here to see more of our produce picks and here to follow me on twitter.
My boys eat LOTS of kiwi, and I love it too. We even get my mom to eat it sometimes. It's easy to cut it up (as your Twitter followers suggested - cut off the ends then cut off the skin) and pack it in their lunches. It keeps well enough in the fridge to pack lunch the night before.
When baby comes and you're dealing with diapers, just be forewarned that the tiny black seeds can show up in diapers (not that he'll be eating kiwi any time soon, but eventually, I bet he will). It's gross!
Krista S.
I love how much Ryan is getting into these videos! Watching him grow up is so much fun!
I looove kiwi's I actually just finished eating two before reading this. I don't eat the skin, when they are ripe I just cut them in half and scoop out with a spoon, very easy way to do it!
How did I miss that one! LOL Wow Ryan looks so young and your hair was dark! I've gotten so used to seeing the blond's fun to look back at the old videos...thanks!
Why yes... yes we have..
I'll have to try eating the skin next time, like others have said I never knew you could.
I was wondering also Roni if you've ever tried a Pummelo? It is similar to a grapefruit, and we all know about your pregnancy induced(?) grapefruit cravings LOL. I tried one a few weeks ago inspired by your "produce picks". It is larger than grapefruit, and to me it was tart without being as bitter as a grapefruit can be. You might like it.
Tiger G
Haha this is a funny topic. My mom told me a couple years ago to eat them with the skins, I thought she was crazy. When I tried it the first time, it felt like I was about to be tortured, like it was a raw oyster or something. I was so sqeamish and scared, it was a ridiculous reaction for an adult. I haven't gone back to skinless, they're no different than eating a peach really. I slice them in rounds for my kids with the skin and they love it, however the older the kiwis get sometimes I'm forced to cutting the skin off cus it gets very tough. So excited for the produce pick section! I hope you do a thing on CSAs again soon! Now that I'm in Maryland I cant wait to find one!
I never knew you could eat the skin!
Ryan's first-bite reaction is sooo cute!
Hi Roni,
I used two kiwi instead of the clementines in your original Green smoothie recipe. Loved it! I automatically peeled them, but next time, I plan to leave the skin on for the nutritional value.
Oh I'll have to be on the look out! Ryan and I were discussing ways we could put them in his lunch!
I love kiwis, but the idea of eating the skin-nutritional value or not-gives me the willies! all those little hairs! Ick. But who, knows? I'd never eaten avocado pudding, either, so...
In the produce departments around Portland & Vancouver they've been giving away small plastic kiwi spoons that have a serrated handle for cutting the kiwi in half. It's designed to be an all-in-one tool for cutting & eating; the blade isn't sharp enough to hurt someone -- totally a safe knife!-- but perfect for the fruit. It's great for packing in a lunch box, and my hubby was always thrilled to find them in his.
Josie @ Skinny Way Of Life
yay for eating the skin!! I like to say I eat the skin b/c of the fiber but it's because I'm too lazy to peel
: P
I love kiwis and never knew you could eat the skin. LOL. Next time I will have to try that. I usually wait for the kiwi to be soft. They way they are sweeter.
My 6 year old and I were eating lunch, and I turned on your video. Max was very interested in Ryan--"What is he doing?" We just happened to have one ripe kiwi, so Max had to cut it himself (guess we need a safe knife too--any suggestions?), and we tried it for the first time with the skin on. The results--my picky eater says--YES to eating skin and all. I was surprised how good it was with it. Learned something new today--very fun.
I love kiwi They need to be a little on the soft side then to me they are sweet and taste like strawberries.
Tanya - I'm not sure why you are apologizing. We ate the skin!
I can't get my son to eat kiwi - I'm going to show him this vid - maybe a little peer pressure from your son will help!
I've tried the skin before, but usually stick to just the fruit. The kids love kiwis cut into "wedges," skinless. I can't watch the video right now, but I hope you liked the kiwis... if you found them too tart, try again this summer when they're easier to find at the right ripeness. In the wintertime I usually end up with kiwis that are too smooshy to eat.
Tanya Panisiak
I'm a skin eater, sorry! It does take a couple tries "getting use to it", since the texture is ... a bit weird. And people look at me funny while I'm eating a kiwi with the skin intact.
Remember, though, there is huge nutritional values in the kiwi skins!