Toddler, again, is in rare form and mom, again, is ready to pull her hair out. HOWEVER, I still manage to show you how I whipped up a quick lunch for myself using, some couscous, pomegranate juice and chicken based on a marinade I thought up the other day. Without toddler it would have took me all but 10 minutes. With toddler it turned into a frustrating 20. Either way I whipped up a new tasty idea and it was yummy! I'll make it again, to take pictures and post the ingredients with nutritional information.
This video is hilarious! It brought back many memories!
Jaye - You can just drink it but it's a bit tart. That's why I add a bit of honey when I use it in recipes. The toddler doesn't like it but I do. 🙂
Chris Brown
Love your videos. I just made couscous yesterday in my rice cooker, but I'm going to try your way.
Hats off to you with the way you interact with Ryan.
I think this is my favorite video.....Your expressions are funny you say somthing to Ryan then stop to smile for the camera. I love it.
I need to buy some of that POM juice, I always see it but never buy it. Can you just drink it, or is it to strong? I don't know if I like pomegranate. I guess there is only one way to find out.
Roni. . . Ryan is so funny in this video . . . it is definitely the age (they just have to see how far they can push you at that age!), but it is also a boy thing! My son will wait until I am moments from getting dinner done or I am almost finished with a task and then he will come in the kitchen and wants to taste my food or make juice or have a meaningful conversation right then and/or be right where I am working . . . and he is 13!
You were talking about the differences between honey and agave nectar but have you ever tried raw honey? It is much thicker, almost like a paste and is A-MAZING!!! If you haven't yet, you should!!
Krista S.
Watching Ryan takes me back to when my boys (now 13 and 11) were toddlers. LOL...exasperating! Your lunch looks good.
Amanda - No, I think YOU are better then me. That's probably what I SHOULD have done. lol
AS for the juice, check your produce section.
Here's some more info on my scale...
As for POM juice, I have only ever seen it in the produce section of my regular old grocery store. Either by the pre-cut fruits or off to the side in a fridge section.
Where do you find pomegranate juice? I will be making this soon I think! Looks so yummy!
I have to comment about Ryan. My DS1 just turned 5 and believe me, I've been there with him. We'll be at home, him playing by himself and has been for a while, then I pick up the phone and BOOM. He's right in my face. Drives me nuts! So, yes I can understand 100%! You're better than me though...I would have shut off the camera and let him know that if he didn't straighten up he'd spend the rest of the afternoon in his room. 🙂
where did you buy your scale and what kind is it?
Where do you find pomegranate juice?
This looked so yummy....I will definitely be making this when I gather all the ingredients.
I don't have children but my husband tends to do that quietly with his computer until I get on the phone or start trying to do something that needs my attention, then he decides is the time to talk or wants to start a movie, etc. 🙂
I love this idea and I look forward to trying it next week! 🙂
Jennifer - They are raw. I buy the cooked ones too but my aldi's stopped carrying them. 🙁
minute marker 2:18 is scary! LOL
jennifer ozuna
I loved your couscous with pomegranate and chicken idea! When you buy your frozen chicken breasts, are they raw? I have only seen precooked ones, but then I haven't really looked much.
Your son is about the same age as mine and it's like they could be related by how they act! Seriously! Bert is always bugging me and bothering me when I am trying to get something done or on the phone. He's so nice and quiet when we are just hanging out. Oh, and the mimicking...Bert does that too! I was chuckling a little there. You really are patient--I would probably have turned the camera off and would have had to reshoot. Bert will act up like this every once in a while when I am appointing a new's so frustrating because you are trying to keep your mind on what you have said and where you are going and all the pausing is getting you off your game.
I love that you include him! Keep up the great work!!