I'm freaking out as I type this. The book is here. It's done. It's available for sale.
There. I said it. phew.
Now I can tell you about it.
🙂 It contains about 60 recipes from the last 3 years. The idea behind the book is to share just that, IDEAS! I wanted it to inspire you.
In addition to the ideas, there are suggestions on how to modify recipes if you don't have all the ingredients, a brief intro that dives into my history a bit and a little about my pantry. My mission is to get more people to cook, plain and simple. I hope my ideas, this blog and the book show you that cooking can be fun.
Ok, I'm going to shut up now. I think I'm babbling due to nerves. 🙂 Click here to hop over to the GreenLiteBites: Favorites From the First 3 Years book page to peek inside and buy your copy today!
You mean this one? https://greenlitebites.com/2010/03/07/quick-bulgur-chili/
Is the bulgar chili recipe in it? I've been craving it for the last couple months, but can't find it online.
I just got your book in the mail! I love it, and the pictures are beautiful!
I got my copy - yay!! I made the blueberry pancakes and my son loved them! He is slowly coming around to eating less processed food - thanks to recipes like this! 🙂
Hello there! I am going to use some of our taxes to make this purchase! I believe in purchasing from individuals and the fact that you went through a journey just like the one I am starting!
Congratulations on your published book! I will purchase it in a few days when we see some moola!
Got the book today!! Love it!! It's a cold icy snowy day here in NEPA .. Whipped up a batch of Banana Oatmeal Cups with Chocolate Chips! Came out great and super yummy!
i just ordered my copy.. can't wait to get it 🙂 congrats on the book
Hi Roni, long time lurker here! I ordered your book last Thursday and it made it all the way to Ireland in just a few days! I can't wait to have a proper browse through it tonight, but at first glance the photos and graphics look aweseome. Congrats to you 🙂
Awesome! Glad you like it! I just got my shipment too!
Hi Roni,
Just got mine! Looks totally awesome. Lots of full color pictures. I love it. I'm sure it will quickly become one of my "go to" books.
Just ordered a copy of the book! So excited to see it, and to be able to support Roni in some way (I hope you're actually going to have a profit from it). I ordered it from Amazon... hope that didn't cut into profits too much either.
Liz @ life in liz's shoes
Congrats! How exciting! I love your site & look forward to purchasing your book soon.
Can't wait to get my copy, looks amazing!!!!
Congrats, Roni! It looks great - and I just placed my order! Can't wait to start using it.
Laurie - I don't feel comfortable doing it quite yet as I'm still confused by the new points and recipes. Most of my ideas are heavy on the fruit and veggies, throwing off the point counts (I believe) if you calculate on Nutrition Info alone. Once I have a pow wow with Weight Watchers and clear up the best way to calculate recipes I will totally add a supplement!
Any chance you can have a supplement on GLB that show that Carbs for each recipe so that us WW followers can calculate the Points plus amount?
Thanks! It looks wonderful and is quite an accomplishment!
Want a great contest idea...a personalized signed copy 🙂
Great job Roni!! I love the font and the pictures are so crisp!
Keep up the great work!! 🙂
I ordered one..cant wait and congratulations.
I bought mine!! 🙂 Congrats Roni!!! 🙂
only estimated cals, fat and fiber. Note: I wrote it BEFORE the new points. 🙁
Do the recipes include all nutritional breakdowns? cal, fat, carbs, etc.....
Congrats, Roni! What an achievement! I'm off to place my order:-)
Congrats!! I can't wait to get one!
I got mine! I cannot wait - I love the pictures, the image cropping and your typesetting - kudos to your designer! I can't wait to look through all the recipes - I'm really excited! Congratulations! Look at all you've done - what an inspiration you are to all of us!
what a great gift idea! perfectly priced, too.
Foodie McBody
It's SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! I want one right now!
Mary (A Merry Life)
Congrats!! That's awesome!
Krista S.
Woo hoo! I just placed my order. Congratulations, Roni! You are amazing. =)
Congratulations! That's awesome!!
Congrats, Roni! I know your book will be a hit.