I am a Weight Watchers Lifetime member and I still get excited to say that! In early 2006 I lost 70lbs, achieved my goal weight and have been maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle ever since. This may not seem like a huge accomplishment for some but for me it meant ending a 15 year struggle with the scale and a yo-yo dieting mentality. To read more about my weight loss journey, see before and after pics, and my thoughts on how I'm maintaining the loss please visit my weight loss blog, Roni's Weigh by clicking here.
Weight Watchers was my starting point to making healthier choices overall, especially in the kitchen. Even though I don't actively count points anymore, I still think they can be a great tool for those looking to make changes to their diet and learn how to make better more educated choices.
I provide approximate nutritional information for most of my recipes and use this information to calculate Weight Watchers Points. I calculate the nutritional information by using online resources such as NutrtionData.com, SparkPeople.com and FitDay.com.
Update: Since Weight Watchers released the new PointsPlus plan I haven't had time to recalculate old recipes yet. However, all new recipes will have both values listed.